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European Style Non-Wax Brow Shaping $25

Get your brows tailored and groomed by hand and completely chemical free.

Waxing $17-$20

Upper lip or brow shaping.

Acne Specific using Radiancy’s TM ClearTouch Lite (CTL) $15

This specialized device uses LHE (Light Heat Energy) MicroPhototherapy that delivers fast, safe and sure acne treatments. As a localized treatment modality, CTL clears mild to moderate acne. In clinical studies, subjects noted significant improvement in their acne within the first 2 weeks – lesions cleared faster and outbreaks were milder. Add this spot treatment to your facial.

Hand Rejuvenation $30 and up

If eyes are the windows to the soul- our hands are the very visible reminders of a lifetime of work and play. If your hands reveal more than you would like- this treatment addition comes to the rescue and employs whatever technology is required for the task at hand. Treatments utilize Enzyme Therapy or the Skin Classic, micro-infusion, LED, etc., to help with tone, texture and any tell-tale discolorations that start to give us away…

Kinesio Taping $7 and up

Give some extra support to what we’ve done in the treatment room! Also a fabulous adjunct to your own athletic endeavors and competitions, recent injuries and residual swelling, joint pain, mobility and dysfunction, and overuse strains or discomfort. Kinesio tape was developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase in the 1970’s. It is a very subtle and effective means to address and support a multitude of conditions and issues including: re-education of the neuromuscular system, pain reduction, optimize performance, and prevention of injuries. Promotes improved circulation and tissue healing.

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